About Roseville

Roseville is a suburban area in Sydney, New South Wales, known for its residential charm and leafy surroundings. Located on the Upper North Shore, it offers a mix of heritage and modern homes, with parks, schools, and a railway station providing convenient amenities for residents.
About Roseville

Suburb Statistics

* Derived from publicly available listing data over a 12 Month period starting September 01, 2023


245 Total number of listingsin the past 12 months
House listings105
Unit listings140
Median Days On Marketin the past 12 months
Average Sales Pricein the past 12 months


10,340 Total Suburb population
Age Range
3,926 Total Private Dwellings
Owned Ratio:84.89%
Rented Ratio:14.86%
Owned Ratio:43.25%
Rented Ratio:56.55%

Housing Market

House Statistics
Total Sold Properties74
Median Days On Market25
Median Sold Price$3,875,000
Rental Yield2.10%
Median Sold Price Growth4.00%
Vacancy Rate1.06%
Auction Clearance Rate60.00%
Unit Statistics
Total Sold Properties54
Median Days On Market29
Median Sold Price$944,250
Rental Yield4.40%
Median Sold Price Growth-4.90%
Vacancy Rate2.69%

Listing Count - 12 Months

Sep '23Oct '23Nov '23Dec '23Feb '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jun '24Aug '240246810
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Market Activity in (Roseville), last 12 months

Suburb listings
Number of Listings*117* House & Units
Suburb Rental Properties
Rental Properties*21* During May 2024
Suburb Sold Properties
Sold Properties*128* House & Units

Lifestyle and Amenities

Residential Charm:

Roseville offers a serene suburban lifestyle with a mix of heritage and modern homes, providing a peaceful and family-friendly atmosphere.

Leafy Surroundings:

Residents enjoy access to green spaces and parks, contributing to a healthy and outdoor-oriented lifestyle.

Convenient Amenities:

With local schools, parks, and the Roseville railway station, the area provides essential amenities, making it convenient for daily living.

Lifestyle and Amenities
Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Property Appreciation:

Roseville's desirable location and residential charm make it a potential hotspot for property appreciation, offering opportunities for long-term real estate investments.

Rental Demand:

The suburb's appeal may attract a steady rental demand, providing income-generating possibilities for property investors.

Infrastructure Development:

Keep an eye on any upcoming infrastructure projects or developments in the area, as they can positively impact property values and present investment prospects in Roseville.

Unique Characteristics

Heritage Ambiance:

Roseville retains a unique blend of heritage and modern architecture, contributing to its distinct charm and character, providing residents with a sense of history amidst contemporary living.

Leafy Enclave:

The suburb is known for its lush greenery and abundance of parks, creating a leafy and picturesque environment that enhances the quality of life for residents.

Unique Characteristics